The Wounded and the Transformation of Novel Narrative Ethics since the 1980s
摘要: 作为一种文学思潮,伤痕文学虽早已远去,但其影响却远未消逝。《伤痕》是伤痕文学的标志性作品之一,它的影响意义深远。《伤痕》的影响不在于它的"伤痕"描述,而在于它所开创的叙事伦理。《伤痕》叙述了王晓华在组织与母亲之间的艰难选择以及由此带来的严重精神创伤,这个精神创伤通过对王晓华个人生活的娓娓叙述凸显出来,《伤痕》改写了过去近30年小说宏大叙事的主体缺失历史。《伤痕》引领了伤痕文学个人生活叙事的潮流,伤痕文学不再提供普遍的集体化的道德原则,凡俗人等的生活悲歌取代过去的英雄赞歌成为常态。伤痕文学开启了20世纪80年代以来个体生存伦理取代家国生活伦理、悲剧取代喜剧的新型叙事伦理,为之后的先锋叙事、解构叙事铺平了道路。Abstract: As a literary trend, the Wounded Literature is long gone, but its influence is far from gone. The Wounded is one of the iconic works of the Scar Literature, and its influence is profound. The impact of The Wounded lies not in its "wounded" description, but in the narrative ethics it pioneered. The Wounded narrates the difficult choice between Wang Xiaohua's organization and his mother and the serious mental bruise it brings. This mental bruise highlights through the narration of Wang Xiaohua's personal life and rewrites the history of the lack of subject in the grand narrative of the past three decades. The Wounded leads the trend of personal life narration in wounded literature. The Wounded Literature no longer provides common collectivism moral principles, such as common people life elegy praise to replace the past heroes becomes the norm. It opens a new type of narrative ethics such as the individual survival ethics to replace the country's life ethics, tragedy instead of comedy since the 1980s, paving the way for Vanguard narrative and deconstructs narrative.
- The Wounded /
- The Wounded Literature /
- the 1980s /
- narrative ethics
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