As a literary trend, the Wounded Literature is long gone, but its influence is far from gone. The Wounded is one of the iconic works of the Scar Literature, and its influence is profound. The impact of The Wounded lies not in its "wounded" description, but in the narrative ethics it pioneered. The Wounded narrates the difficult choice between Wang Xiaohua's organization and his mother and the serious mental bruise it brings. This mental bruise highlights through the narration of Wang Xiaohua's personal life and rewrites the history of the lack of subject in the grand narrative of the past three decades. The Wounded leads the trend of personal life narration in wounded literature. The Wounded Literature no longer provides common collectivism moral principles, such as common people life elegy praise to replace the past heroes becomes the norm. It opens a new type of narrative ethics such as the individual survival ethics to replace the country's life ethics, tragedy instead of comedy since the 1980s, paving the way for Vanguard narrative and deconstructs narrative.