
On the Spiritual Qualities of Bai Hua's Literary Works

  • 摘要: 著名作家白桦一生命途多舛,然而,不管经历怎样的艰难坎坷,他对祖国、对人民的赤子之心始终不改,对真理、对正义的孜孜追求始终不改,对至真、至善、至美的深切呼唤始终不改,对一切假、丑、恶的犀利剖析和尖锐抨击始终不改。这是白桦文学一以贯之的生命底色和最为宝贵的精神品质。他的作品扎根于现实土壤,饱含苦难与忧患,又涌动着青春的激情和浪漫,既是思想者的孤独道白,也是大爱者的深情倾诉。


    Abstract: The famous writer, Bai Hua, experienced many ups and downs in his life. No matter how many difficulties he had gone through, he was always sincere to his country and the people. He never gave up the pursuit of truth and justice, and he never abandoned his love for perfection and beauty. He criticized and attacked all the false, ugly and evil things. These are the most precious spiritual qualities of Bai Hua's literary works. His works are rooted in the soil of reality. They can not only reveal the suffering and sadness, but also demonstrate the passion and romance of the youth. Moreover, his works are like the narratives of a lonely thinker or a generous lover.


