Symptomatic reading not only needs to focus on the surface of the text to read the content, but also needs to explore the article silence, aphasia and blank content. Reich, based on the symptomatic reading method, points out that the psychology of personality analysis, by revealing the process of the psychological life of people determined by the conditions of existence, has filled in the "gaps" of two outstanding issues in Marxist ideological theory. Compared Reich's response to the first question with Althusser's interpretation about "ideological state apparatus", we found a logical point "aphasia"——broadly on the blank of "education"; similarly, compared Reich's response to the second question with relevant interpretation about Althusser's "ideology will call individuals and construction as the main body", we found its point on the content of "aphasia" ——the overall context of "social" blank, and in content, the resolution of "the subjectivity of man" as well. Therefore, Reich explored people's psychological state and personality structure in the context of individual's "withdrawal" from the society as a whole, leading to the complete collapse of the combination of the two expectations while understanding Marxism intolerance.