
The Research on Competitiveness of Added Value Export Based on the Emerging Economies

  • 摘要: 文章使用全球投入产出数据库(WIOD),对新兴经济体样本的增加值出口和新显示性比较优势指数进行测算和分析。研究发现,近年来新兴经济体相对于发达国家出口竞争力强劲,贸易实力提升显著。细分至行业,新兴经济体在第一产业中具有绝对优势,在第二产业的低端和中低端中具备竞争力,在第三产业方面,新兴经济体在传统服务业中具备一定的优势,但在高新技术服务业不具备竞争力。因此,在保留、强化和创新现有竞争优势的同时,新兴经济体仍需要大力发展高端制造业和新型服务业,增加产品科技含量。


    Abstract: This article firstly calculates the exports of added value of emerging economies, which is based on the global input and output data from the database (WIOD). Through calculation and analysis, we find that, compared with the developed countries, the export competitiveness of emerging economies in recent years is strong, and trade power increases significantly. On this basis, this paper uses the new revealed comparative advantage index, to further account the industrial added value of trade of emerging economies. Through the analysis and comparation with that of the developed countries, we find emerging economies are more focused on the comparative advantage of low technology-intensive industry, so they need to strengthen the technological learning and innovation. Through the longitudinal analysis from 2000 to 2014, we find the new RCA index of emerging economies has advantages of industry and the advantages are constantly rising and enhancing constantly.


