
Localization of Sociology: Four Paradigms of Family Research

  • 摘要: “家庭细胞说”“差序格局说”“家庭伦理说”“过日子说”是社会学本土化家庭研究的四大范式。“差序格局说”承袭了西方古典社会中“家庭细胞说”传统,结构是其经脉,具有文化立场、社会本位的特征。“过日子说”是“家庭伦理说”的现代性洞察,以人为本,具有现象社会学旨趣。将本土化传统思想资源引入对现代生活的塑造,实现从结构到意义的转向,“家庭”到“家”的转向;“国家与社会”到“制度与生活”的转向,是本土化家庭社会学研究值得探索的方向。


    Abstract: There are four paradigms for the localization of sciology in rural families:family cell theory, differential sequence pattern, family ethics theory and living theory. Introducing indigenous ancient ideological resources into the shaping of modern life, realizing the transformation from structure to meaning, from "family" to "home", and from "state and society" to "system and life" should be the future of "family" in the study of indigenous sociology.


