
On the Theory of Labor Value in the Field of Artificial Intelligence

  • 摘要: 马克思劳动价值论是对传统旧劳动价值论的超越与发展,具有强大的解释力。人工智能的出现使得马克思劳动价值论面临挑战。人工智能所创造的价值实质上是人类以生产资料为媒介所进行的一种间接式劳动的产物,从根本上讲,它属于常规劳动的范畴。虽然人工智能是复杂的脑力劳动的结果,但是它仍然离不开简单劳动。事实上,人工智能的出现促进了马克思主义在新时代的丰富与发展。


    Abstract: From the historical point of view, Marx's labor axiology does not appear out of thin air. It is the transcendence and development of the traditional old labor axiology. In the new era, the application of artificial intelligence makes Marx's labor theory of value face challenges. There are still some doubts about whether it is the theory of labor creating value or the theory of surplus value, or whether it is the theory of commodity value or the theory of income distribution related to it. The value created by artificial intelligence is essentially the product of indirect labor conducted by human beings through means of production; it belongs to the category of conventional labor fundamentally; although artificial intelligence is the result of complex mental labor, it is still inseparable from simple labor. In fact, AI has promoted the enrichment and development of Marx doctrine in the new era.


