On the Stance between Confucianists and Legalists in Biography of Shang Jun in Historical Records
摘要: 《史记·商君列传》生动地记载商鞅变法的经过,也表达了司马迁对商鞅变法的评价。秦自商鞅变法后,一直以商君之法治国,所以司马迁对奠定秦并六国基础的商君变法的评价,一定会受到变法后秦国统治的成败影响,司马迁不但是以史学家的角度,而且是以经学家的角度,把追求王道政治的实现作为评判标准。就叙述者的角度、立场而言,《商君列传》是反秦反法家时代的产物,但又不能不承认其贡献,因此在《商君列传》中,可以读出儒法对抗的纠葛。Abstract: Biography of Shang Jun in Historical Records recorded the long process of Shang Yang's political reform and conveyed Sima Qian's assessment. Sima Qian's judging criteria is not only from the viewpoint of historian but also from the viewpoint of scholars of Confucian canon studies. This paper discusses the confrontation between Confucianists and Legalists in Biography of Shang Jun from different aspects.