
The Ferrymen in the Records of History

  • 摘要: 《项羽本纪》中的乌江亭长、《伍子胥列传》《屈原贾生列传》中的渔父是《史记》中的三位小人物,出场身份都是普普通通的摆渡人。然而身份的背后隐藏着他们的真实形象,乌江亭长的智者形象、渔父的义者和隐者形象都隐现于司马迁的行文之中。这三位小人物在作品中不仅完成对主人公项羽、伍子胥、屈原的救赎,而且在主人的性格显现、情节环境构造、作者情感体现等方面有突出作用。


    Abstract: The Wujiangephor in Biographic Sketches of XIANGYU, the old fisherman in the Biography of WU Zixu and the Biography of Quyuan and Jiasheng are nobodies in the Records of History. Their identities are ordinary ferrymen, however, identity is hidden behind their real images. The image of the wise man of Wujiangephor, the images of the righteous fisherman and hermit are all hidden in the writings of SIMA Qian. The three of them not only completed the redemption of the heroes, but also played prominent roles in the character displays of the heroes XIANGYU, WU Zixu and Quyuan, the construction of the plots, environment and the author's emotional expression.


