
On the Path and Essence of the Canonization of the Song August Roses Blooming Everywhere

  • 摘要: 《八月桂花遍地开》是20世纪二三十年代产生于鄂豫皖根据地的一首革命歌曲。该歌曲采用当地民歌《八段锦》曲调谱写而成,是为庆祝苏维埃成立所作。这首革命历史歌曲伴随红军的足迹传唱大江南北。新时期以来,《八月桂花遍地开》被改编为电影、小说、歌舞剧、民族歌剧等多种体裁,得到更加广泛地传承与创新,其政治意识形态功能、历史文化功能和审美价值功能得到进一步的彰显。《八月桂花遍地开》的经典化是由其文本自身艺术趣味、审美价值等内生因素与意识形态话语、文化运作方式等外生因素共同推动的结果。


    Abstract: August Roses Blooming Everywhere is a revolutionary song growing out of E-Yu-Wan (Hubei-Henan-Anhui) revolutionary bases during the 1920s and 1930s. it was originally composed in the melody of the local folk song Baduanjin in order to celebrate the founding of the Soviet Union. This revolutionary historical song was carried along the red army's path from north to south of China. Since the new period, August Roses Blooming Everywhere has been adapted into a variety of genres such as movies, novels, song and dance drama, and folk opera, thus getting more deeply and widely inheritance and innovation. The functions of political ideology, historical and cultural features and aesthetic value are further highlighted. The canonization of the song is the result of internal factors such as its artistic interest and aesthetic value, and external factors such as ideological discourse and cultural operation mode.


