
The Image of Yanhuang and Utopia in Tao Yuanming's Poems and Essays

  • 摘要: 中国古代许多优秀的文学作品中不乏炎黄形象,而其形象的演变,与时代精神、作者身世、创作心态密不可分。考察典籍,在陶渊明之前,炎黄的形象多表现为神人异相、圣明君主、道教神仙三类。在陶渊明诗文中的炎黄形象也表现为三类:儒家治世之圣人、道教之神仙、隐士,其中带有隐逸色彩的炎黄形象是陶渊明的新创。其名作《桃花源记》正是他对想象中的炎黄盛世的具体描绘,带有浓厚的隐逸之色彩。换言之,在《桃花源记》里呈现正是陶渊明理想化了的炎黄盛世。


    Abstract: There is no lack of the image of Yuanhuang in many outstanding literary works, while the evolution of the image is closely and inseparably related to the spirit of time, Tao's life experience and his creation states. According to the ancient books and records, before Tao, the image of Yanhuang was mostly divided into three categories:the gods with unusual appearance, wise emperors, immortals of Taoism. In Tao's poems and essays, the image was showed in three ways:the Confucian sage of the time of peace and prosperity, the immortal of Taoism, an image of hermit.The color of hermit was created by Tao. His work, Peach Blossom Spring, was a specific display of the flourishing age ruled by Emperors Yan and Huang in his imagination, which had a strong hermit color. In other words, Peach Blossom Spring is an utopian Yanhuang heyday of Tao Yuanming.


