
A Review on the Research of CHEN Yuanguang's Native Place

  • 摘要: 当代学者关于陈元光籍贯问题的争论,前后持续30余年,形成了30余篇专题论文,但是迄今仍难以形成定论。而现存史籍中关于陈元光籍贯的记载,按照时间先后分别为唐代岭南说、河东说,明代光州说、光州固始说,清代揭阳说、弋阳说,诸说形成时间跨度很大,且相关史籍的记载不乏自相矛盾之处,使得这一问题益发复杂。而学者们对陈元光相关史事、论著及相关陈氏族谱的考订,使得陈元光籍贯与事迹之间的错位更加明显,对于如何以最少的“错误”、最小的“误差”完整书写陈政、陈元光父子开漳、治漳事迹,增加了不少难度。


    Abstract: The research on the native place of CHEN Yuanguang in the past thirty years has accumulated lots of achievements, but there is no final conclusion till now. There are five kinds of views about his native place in the historical documents, such as Lingnan, Hedong, Gushi county, Yiyang county, Jieyang county, etc. The research results on this problem make new difficulties on CHEN Yuanguang's life story and native place, so it becomes hard to construct his life story exactly based on current historical documents.


