The Effect of the Ultimate Control and Agency Costs on Corporate Performance: A Mediated Moderation Model
摘要: 文章以上市公司为研究对象,研究股权控制链上的终极控制权、委托代理、公司绩效间作用路径,揭示其作用机理的“黑箱”。结果表明,上市公司性质不同,终极控制权集中度对公司绩效影响的方向不同,委托代理在终极控制权集中度与公司绩效间起中介作用。民营终极控制权集中会降低第一代理成本,但是会导致第二代理成本的增加,进而削弱对公司绩效的正向影响;国有终极控制权集中会抑制第二代理成本,但是会导致第一代理成本的增加,最终导致负向影响公司绩效。Abstract: The paper takes 961 corporations listed on China's stock market from 2014-2016 as empirical research data. It deduced the role of Agency cost between ultimate control and corporate performance reversely. It revealed the operation mechanism inside the "black box" to some extent, by analyzing different paths of two types of agency costs between ultimate control and corporate performance. Empirical results are as follows:the nature of ultimate control rights negatively moderated the positive correlation between the concentration on ultimate control and corporate performance. The agency costs mediated the positive correlation between the concentration on ultimate control and corporate performance. Ultimate control moderated the mediating effects of agency costs between ultimate control and corporate performance. The private ultimate control rights reduced the agency cost from the first type of agency cost. But it increased the second type of agency cost. The state ultimate control concentration inhibited the second agency cost, but will increase the first agency costs.