A Study on Urban Community Reconstruction Model from the Perspective of Stakeholder Theory
摘要: 基于利益相关者理论,以平顶山市朱砂洞社区为例,通过实地调查和结构访谈,系统研究了新型城镇化引发的中国城市社区重建中的利益主体关系、矛盾类型及产生机理,并提出社区重建优化模式。研究发现:基于区域城市建设和经济发展需要,地方政府通过出台政策、引入市场、发动村集体和村民参与,主导了城市拆迁和社区重建进程。但差异化的利益定位和实现机制,易使政府与市场(开发商)结成隐形同盟,导致村集体和村民的决策参与权和利益诉求被忽视。村集体的职能不足,难以有效协调村民内部及其与市场主体关系,为达成自身利益目标,有可能成为村民集体抗争的组织者,激化社区重建过程中的经济、管理和社会矛盾。基于利益相关者理论的“环形”社区重建模式,通过明确政府主导地位,划定政府、市场和社会主体的职责边界,引入社区治理,完善沟通设计,引导社区物质景观建设与居民社会需求的契合与协调,实现社区重建过程中相关者利益由冲突转为合作,可有效促进城市社区重建进程。Abstract: The local government has started the urban demolition and community reconstruction to promote regional urban construction and economy development by introducing market, recruiting village collectives and residents to participate. Based on the different interest orientation and interest realization, the local government and real estate developers became partners to deprive people of the right to know and to participate their community reconstruction. Because of the weakness of voice power of community collective, they have to become the organizer against the arrangement from local government and real estate developers, which together lead to the contradictions and problems in the fields of economy interest conflict, government management and social coordination during the community reconstruction. This article puts forth measures for the above conflicts including management system reform of local government. The enterprises should introduce a modern management pattern, making sure that the construction of community material landscape can meet the demand of residents' daily living, all efforts together promoting the community reconstruction effectively.